Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

U.S. Military robot-like bats

Washington - The United States military ceaselessly develop robots to be deployed on the battlefield. Launched their latest robots that seem to try to cheat this time went along, aka the superhero, Batman.

Yes, just like Batman-inspired bat, so this robot. With a bat and fly by flapping wings, this is going to spy on enemy robots with cameras and other devices. The bat robot also can sniff out certain biological weapons.

Are scientists from North Carolina State University who gush surveillance robot with a project value of U.S. $ 10 million. They claim to bat in the body shape inspired him.

"The material used in this robot can move fully, but always returned in its original position. This function is similar to that shown in the body of the bat, "said Dr. Stefan Seelecke, one of the scientists involved in the creation of the robot.

Quoted from the Telegraph, on Thursday (07/09/2009), the robot didayai bats with solar power batteries, self-guidance system and radio to send data to the soldiers on the battlefield.

Currently, the robot is still in the prototype stage and has not been used in the event of a real war.

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